In a recent report, the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of the Interior (OIG) found that a National Park Service Regional Director was paid for days he did not work, submitted “tainted and fraudulent” travel vouchers, and received an illegal gift in the form of vacation housing from a NPS subordinate. The OIG determined that the NPS Regional Director received regular pay for 88 hours he did not work, and for which he should have used annual leave. The investigative group also concluded that the Regional Director violated multiple travel rules and regulations during no less than 8 official trips he took between 2011-2015. The individual admitted that he had knowingly violated these rules. The NPS employee also admitted receiving payments for meals and expenses on days he did not work.
The OIG states that its mission “is to provide independent oversight and promote excellence, integrity, and accountability within the programs, operations, and management of the U.S. Department of the Interior.” The OIG presented the facts to the Department of Justice, which declined to prosecute the case.
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