In the event of a partial government shutdown, the National Park Service has informed some concessioners that they can operate during the shutdown if their continued operations do not result in the Park exceeding the number of staff which have been approved to support essential activities or otherwise do not cause the Park to incur expenditures or obligations in violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act. However, each concessioner will need the permission of the Park Superintendent in order to continue to operate. The criteria which have been provided are as follows:
In addition, NPS’ general policy also states that “commercial facilities located on through-roads (roads or public highways that begin and end outside of a park, plus parkways) and public highways may remain open if doing so does not result in additional costs to the park (for example, the staffing of entrance stations).”
The Forest Service has indicated that its intention is to follow the same policy guidelines which were issued last year. Those guidelines allow concessions which do not require day-to-day Forest Service employee administration to remain open. The agency will make this determination on a case-by-case basis. However, the guidelines note that examples of concessions that meet these criteria are ski areas, resorts, concession campgrounds and outfitters and guides.