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The U.S. Forest Service recently issued a notice that it is seeking comments on many of the standard forms which are associated with its Special Use Authorizations.  The specific issues the Forest Service is seeking comments on include whether there is any information sought by the forms that is not necessary or will have no practical utility.  The agency is also seeking comments on ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information which is sought by the forms.  Further, the agency is open to considering ways to reduce the burden imposed on the permit holders in filling out the forms.  The forms apply to both recreational and utility providers, and some of them are also used by other federal agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The forms include most of the common ones used by the agency.  For example, among others, they include the standard Special Use Permit form (FS-2700-4), forms for applying for a transportation or utility system on federal lands (SF-299), the permit for outfitting and guiding (FS-2700-4i), a prospectus for campgrounds under the Granger-Thye Act (FS-2700-34), the Term Special Use Permit (FS-2700-5), and the Term Special Use Permit for Recreational Residences (FS-2700-5a).

Comments on the standard forms are due February 27, 2017.


Kevin Garden
Post by Kevin Garden
Whether you're a large-scale concessioner, a small family business, a guide, an outfitter, or an individual doing business or recreating on federal land, Kevin Garden has the experience and perspective to help.